Friday 2 December 2011

Coding schedule.

The coding schedule signisfies the main information of the film introduction; what happens, how long it lasts, what type of setting it has, what gender types are used along with other information. The use of this information is it enables us to see what makes a good introduction to a zombie film, therefore by answering these questions for four different types of zombie films it allows us to see what we need to put in our introduction in order for it to match the zombie criteria and to make the viewers understand what type of film it is going to be just by watching the first 2 minutes of the introduction.

1.What time of the day is it during the first 2minutes of the film?
2.Where is the setting, inside or outside and what location?
3.What genre is the setting? (Date, Year - Victorian)
4.How many characters are there?
5.What social classes are used?
6.What is the age group of the characters?
7.What gender types are used?
8.What background sounds are there?
9.What lighting techniques are used?
10.What editing techniques are used?
11.What forms of composition are there? (Framing, Deep Focus, Shallow Focus, Focus Pull).
12.What type of camera angles is used? (High, Low angle)
13.What type of Camera shots is used? (Master, Close-Up, Two Shot, Over the Shoulder)?
14.What type of Camera movement is used? (Pan, Track, Crane, Hand-Held)
15.What types of costumes are used?
16.What type of makeup is used?
17.What type of dialogue is used?
18.How much dialogue is used?
19.What forms of props are used?
20.What events occur during the 2minutes of the introduction?
21.How long does the title last?

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