Wednesday 7 December 2011

Coding Schedule: Doomsday.

1.What time of the day is it during the first 2minutes of the film? It is set during the night.
2.Where is the setting, inside or outside and what location? Outside, on a road.
3.What genre is the setting? (Date, Year - Victorian) in the future, 2033.
4.How many characters are there? 2 Main characters, little girl and mother.
5.What social classes are used? Lower to Middle class is used.
6.What is the age group of the characters? Young adults and children.
7.What gender types are used? Female and Male.
8.What background sounds are there? There is the narrator talking, screaming, you can also hear a chresendo of the background music, car horns, helicopter car brakes.
9.What lighting techniques are used? There are spotlights from the helicopter highlighting the road and certain people.
10.What editing techniques are used? There is fading, and black and white title screen,slide transctions.
11.What forms of composition are there? There is framing on the little girl through the cars door. Shallow focus, and focus pull.
12.What type of camera angles is used? High angle and Low angle is used.
13.What type of Camera shots is used? The master shot is used and the two shot is used on the woman and child.
14.What type of Camera movement is used? Track and crane is used.
15.What types of costumes are used? Army outfits and zombie costumes and used as well as casual clothes and toxic suits.
16.What type of makeup is used? zombie makeup and makeup to make eyes look tired.
17.What type of dialogue is used? Screaming yelling and narrator talking.
18.How much dialogue is used? Constant talking from narrator.
19.What forms of props are used? Cars, Guns, Army trucks.
20.What events occur during the 2minutes of the introduction? Road block, title.
21.How long does the title last? 1 minute 15 seconds.

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