Tuesday 6 December 2011

Coding Schedule: Doom.

1.What time of the day is it during the first 2minutes of the film (Morning, Day, Evening, Night) Neither night or or day as it is set in space. 
2.Where is the setting, inside or outside and what location? It is set in a space station on mars.
3.What genre is the setting? (Date, Year - Victorian) It is set in the future.
4.How many characters are there? There are 4 charcters.
5.What social classes are used? Middle to High classes are used - subject specialists.
6.What is the age group of the characters? There are adults and an older adult.
7.What gender types are used? Male and Female's are used.
8.What background sounds are there? Narrator is telling the story, There are monster/ alien noises.
9.What lighting techniques are used? Spot light on character's feet as they are running.
10.What editing techniques are used? Slow motion i used as the charcter's get dragged away.
11.What forms of composition are there? Framing is used on the old man's face as he closes the stels doors.
12.What type of camera angles is used? Low angle is used on the characters as they are running.
13.What type of Camera shots is used? It uses over the shoulder shot as the old man is looking at the woman running towards him.
14.What type of Camera movement is used? Track and pan is used to follow the characters as they are running.
15.What types of costumes are used? Everyday outfits are used as well as a science lab coat on the old man.
16.What type of makeup is used? A pale face is used on the old man to show fear.
17.What type of dialogue is used? Screaming and Shouting is used by the characters.
18.How much dialogue is used? Dialogue is used throughout the first 2 minutes of the film.
19.What forms of props are used? A science lab coat is used.
20.What events occur during the 2minutes of the introduction? Screaming, running and the woman looses her arm.
21.How long does the title last? The title last for 1 minute.

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