Wednesday 14 December 2011

Coding Schedule: Resident Evil

1.What time of the day is it during the first 2minutes of the film? There is no set time of the day it is unkown.
2.Where is the setting, inside or outside and what location? Inside a science lab.
3.What genre is the setting? (Date, Year - Victorian) It is set in the future.
4.How many characters are there? There is on emain charcter shown.
5.What social classes are used? There is middle/ high class used as he is a scientist.
6.What is the age group of the characters?  The age of the scientist is unkown but possibly middle aged.
7.What gender types are used? Male.
8.What background sounds are there? There is the narator talking and a background track.
9.What lighting techniques are used? there is lighting from the ceiling.
10.What editing techniques are used? Fading is used.
11.What forms of composition are there? Framing and deep focus are used.
12.What type of camera angles is used? There was no set angle used.
13.What type of Camera shots is used? There is master shot used on the scientist.
14.What type of Camera movement is used? Zoomin gin on the scientist.
15.What types of costumes are used? A scientist chemical costume is used.
16.What type of makeup is used? you do not see the scientist face so no makeup is used.
17.What type of dialogue is used? The narrator's voice.
18.How much dialogue is used? Dialogue is used for 1 minute and a half during the first 2 minutes.
19.What forms of props are used? scientist/ chemical suit and test tubes.
20.What events occur during the 2minutes of the introduction? title and a scientist working with chemicals.
21.How long does the title last? The title lasts for 1 minute 20 seconds.

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