Thursday 9 February 2012

New Storyboard: Defile

1. In this scene, there is an arial shot of a man layed asleep in bed along with  a master shot of the room. The camera zooms in on the man's face closing onto his eye. The sounds and dialogue used in this shot is a heartbeat sound which gets louder as the clip zooms in. There is also the sound of a thunderstorm in the background which begins to fade in.

2. In this scene, the camera zooms in on the man's eye as it opens. The sounds and dialogue used are a heartbeat sound which stops as the man opens his eye, adding effect to the shot. There is also the sounds of a thunder storm still in the background.

3. In this scene, there is a shot of the man climbing out of bed. This uses a head on shot as the camera is focused on the man. The sounds and dialogue used are rain/ thunder in the backround. This begins to fade out slowly.

4. In this scene, there is a forward view of the man sat on the bed with his hands on his head. The sound and dialogue used are the sound of the thunerstorm in the background which is still fading out. This creates effect as it creates a mysterious atmosphere.

5. In this scene, there is a forward view of the man standing up and looking at his hands, this turns into a point of view shot as the camera looks at the man's hands as if it is from his point of view therefore making the audince feel they have a connection with the man. The sounds and dialogue in this shot is the Rain and thunder, this is fasing out and is hardly heard.

6. In this scene, there is a master shot which turns into a zoom onto the clock. This also uses a point of view shot as the shot is from the man's point of view. the sounds and dialogue used in this shot is the rain and thunder which dies away to the end of this scene.

7. In this scene, there is a pan following thr man as he walks out of the door. This also uses match on action. This scene eventually fades out into a black screen.The shot has no sounds, it is silent adding the effect of tension.

8. In this scene, there is match on action from a point of view shot as you see the man running and turinin back to see zombies running after him, this scene swaps from a black screen to the man running to end with a black screen. This happens three times. There is the sounds of heaving breathing from the man running.

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