Monday 9 January 2012

Old Storyboard: Defile

This is a storyboard of the 2 minute introduction for Defile. In this storyboard it lasts for a total of 2 minutes and shows the key events happening during the 2 minutes. The storyboard shows the time each shot are going to last for in the first box. In the second box of the storyboard it shows the images indictating the key events in the introduction.The storyboard also shows what camera angles, movement and transitions are used for the introduction in the third box, alongwith what sounds and dialogue are used which is shown in the fourth box.

BOX 1:
In the first box it shows a poilce man layed in a hospital bed unconcious, surrownded by hospital equpment with the heart insturment beeping distantly in the background. The shot includes a master shot of the room. It also includes an arial shot of the man layed in the hospital bed and the room. The sounds and dialogue used in the shot are, the beeping of the heart machine and the hospital equipment.

Box 2:
The second box shows the police man still layed in the hospital bed and the room however, the camera will slowly zoom in on the police man's face. The shot will consist of an arial shot of the police man with handheld zooming in towards the police man's face, however still in an arial view. The sounds will be the same as before, with beeping of the hospital equipment.

Box 3:
The third box will show the police man's eyes opening whilst still layed on the bed. The camera will zoom in and will be focused on his eyes as they open using a close-up shot. The sounds will be the same as above only the beeping will be distant so it is not the main focus, as the main focus will be the opening of the eyes.

Box 4:
The fourth box will show the police man as he is sitting up on the bed with the hosiptal equipment in the background. The shot will consist of an arial shot as the man is sitting up. The sounds will consist of a faint beeping in the background however a silent presence is indicated.

Box 5:
The fifth box will show the police man sat up on the bed rubbing his eyes, there will be the hospital equipment in the background. The shot will consist of a side view of the police man sat up. The sounds and dialogue will be of the man grunting as he sits up and the distant beeping of the hospital equipment.

Box 6:
The sixth box will show the police man standing up whilst looking at his hands. The shot will consist of zooming in on the man's upper body whilst he is looking down at his hands. The sounds and dialogue will be the same as above, with the beeping in the distance, yet still with a silent presence.

Box 7:
The seventh box shows the police man's hands, showing them from the police man's point of view. The shot will consist of a point of view shot and slowly bluring on the hands to have an effect of dizzyness and confusion. The sounds and dialogue will be the same as above with hospital equipment noises in the background.

Box 8:
The eigth box shows the police man rubbing his eyes and noticing the gun. The shot will consist of focus pull on the police man as he notices the gun so your attention is on his actions. The sounds and dialogue used will again be the hospital equipment beepinh quietly in the background so it is not in focus.

Box 9:
The ninth box shows the police man looking at the gun, however the focus is on the gun, rather than on the police man. The shot will consist of Focus pull on the gun, aiming the audiences attention mainly on the gun. The sounds and dialogue used will be the hospital equipment beeping qietly in the background.