Thursday 24 November 2011

Introduction Questionaire.

The questionaire enables us to get information on what people think makes a good introduction to a zombie film. This allows us to add these details into our introduction so it meets the expectations of a zombie introduction. We asked a series of questions that we believed would allow us to gain relevant information that would make our introduction appeal to the target audience. It also allowed us to find information we had not thought of putting into our introduction and then decided whether or not it would fit into our introduction and possibly make it better.

We are creating an introduction to a horror film, based around a zombie plague that slowly devours a small town in the UK. Within this introduction we are going to be using various camera shots and angles. The Duration of this clip will be 2minutes long and will always obey the 180-degree rule.
1-       Do you like the theme of a Zombie breakout as a Horror movie?
2-       With a large selection of other Zombie movies out there, do you think that ours will be as successful as them?
3-      Do you like the title of the film and do you think it is relevant?
4-      Is the location good for the introduction?
5-      Is the overall idea of the film good? Would the introduction make you want to see it?
6-      Do the characters fit the idea of the film?
7-      Is the reason behind the infection endearing?
8-      What age rating would you rate the film?
9-      Would you recommend this film to a friend?
10-   Would you prefer a Zombie Horror or a Monster?

Evaluation of questionaire.

By evaluating our questionaires it enabled us to gain the information and see how many people thought the same thing (if any) this allowed us to see what people thought about our ideas and if they believed they would work or not.

After asking 10 different people and giving them our questionnaire, we collected all of the data and created a series of tables to display our results. We asked equal amount of boys and girls for our findings to make the data fair.
The table above shows the results to the question, ‘Do you like the theme of a Zombie breakout as a Horror movie’ from the table we now know that 9/10 people like the theme of a Zombie breakout, however a zombie breakout is a common horror and maybe found as being too ‘cliché’ or obvious.  

The table above shows the results to the question, ‘With a large selection of other Zombie movies out there do you think that ours will be as successful’ from the table we know that the majority of people think that our introduction will be successful, however there is a small minority that don’t think it will be successful or are not sure it will be. This shows that people may think there are too many zombie movies out or are not interested in zombie movies.

The table shows the results to the question, ‘Do you like the title of the film and do you think it is relevant’ from the table we can see that the majority of people think that the title of the film is good and relevant to our theme of a zombie horror. The table also shows that some people are not sure if the title will suit the ‘zombie breakout’ theme.

The table above show the results to the question, ‘Is the location good for the introduction’ from the table we can see that the majority of the people we asked, thought that the location and setting is good for the introduction. Our target audience filled in our questionnaire so we know that our target audience will enjoy the film and think the location is ideal.

The table above shows the results of the question, ‘Is the overall idea of the film good? Would the introduction make you want to see it?’ from the table we know all the people like the idea of the film and would like to see it. With the full 10 people liking the film idea’s it shows people would be interested to see the introduction to the film, therefore the film could be successful and acquire to our target audience.
On this table it shows the results of ‘Do the characters fir the idea of the film’ from the results we know that the majority of people think that the characters would fit the idea of the film. With characters being the most important part in the film, the participants thought that our characters and roles fit the film well and would appeal to the audience well.

The table above shows the results to the question, ‘is the reason behind the infection endearing’ from the results we know that more people found the reason endearing than people who don’t.  After the importance of the characters, the story line comes straight after. From this question we now know that the audience like the ideas for the introduction and therefore it entices them to want to see the film.

The table above shows the results to the question,, ‘What age rating would you rate the film’ from the results we know that more people said it would be a 15 rating than an 18. After the audience read the brief explanation, we asked them to rate our film and give it an age rating they’d expect it to be. From the results it shows us what age people think the film will suit therefore indicates us what clip’s we can put in the introduction to suit that age rating.

The table above shows the results to the question, ‘Would you recommend this film to a friend’ from the results I can see that more people said they would recommend this film to a friend than people who said they wouldn’t. With our target audience for the introduction being people who enjoy zombie horrors, we asked them if they would recommend the film to friends whether they like zombie horrors or not. Therefore the results suggest that most people would recommend this introduction of a film to a friend after watching it.

The table above shows the results to the question, ‘Would u prefer a zombie horror or a monster horror’ from the table we can see that more people said they prefer a zombie horror than a monster horror. However one person said neither, possibly showing they do not like horror films.  From the results of this question it gives us an idea whether to have a zombie as the main theme or a monster, overall the zombie horror idea has more potential.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Defile idea.

The idea allows us to give a background idea of the introduction, it enables other people to decide whether they believe our idea will work and show through our clips or whether the idea will not work.

The major plot line is a viral infection planted in the water supplies by terrorists. The virus has spread in the water supply and reached the public houses. In the first 24 hours the virus had major effects, disabling vital organs which killed people who got infected.... or so they thought.
This post was created by both me and Tom Berry.

Monday 14 November 2011


Hello, my name is Natasha Russell im currently doiny my A-levels in Media, English Literature, English Language and geography.
I am starting my Media coursework where we are doing a horror based introduction to a fiction film. I am working with tom to make ideas for the introduction but we are going to add other people in the introduction to make the clip.
We are going to use editing and camera techniques we have learned in lesson, for example, match on action, shot reverse shot and 180-degree rule.